Tuesday 13 August 2013

MBA tips from Miss Parker

Hello People,
Glad to have you on the MBA Programme… I just thought to share a few tips that you might find useful during your course of study;

  1. It is NOT a competition: This tip is probably the most important but often the most ignored. Even, I am not sure I have completely grasped the concept of it yet. You need to drop the university/ secondary school mentality that I have to be first in class. Note: This is not advising anyone to be lax in their studies oooo! There are no positions, everyone can get As. Don’t be so focused on being “first”, that you miss the “Moon-walking Bear” (The bare obvious, no pun intended). Help as many people that you can, helping won’t reduce your grade (or at least I think it won’t). It is better to cooperate than compete.
  2. Learn:  My favourite lines are probably “You’re my mentor” and “When I grow up, I want to be like you”. Everyone usually thinks I’m joking, but I’m very honest. Don’t believe you know it all; you probably know more than everyone else in your class but there might be something (as simple as excel) that the next person might know more than you. Don’t be proud, walk over, smile and say; “Hey, please teach me”… This one I swear (in Dr. O’s voice) won’t kill you.
  3. CHILL OUT: Please, sometimes we all need a break. Can you kill yourself? NO! They will tell you to leave your friends outside the program for the next 22 months …. Hmm! Your “friends” (I mean ALL kinds) outside will not wait for you for that long oooooo! Sure, make friends with people on the inside but please have some “Me” time once in a while. It won’t kill.
  4. Work Smart, Don’t “go” and Kill Yourself: The LBS MBA program is strenuous (they will tell you themselves) and you will be put in groups. UTILIZE your group and reap the benefits (DON’T PLAGIARIZE oooo, I’m not there). Don’t go off to one corner and do it by yourself, you’ll probably not end up completing your work (Results, not efforts, are recognized). Learn from everyone, there is always something to be learnt(ed).
  5. Internalize Your Binders: No lies, this is the crux of the MBA program, if you follow the other tips and neglect this one, it won’t end well… Read your binders thoroughly, so in case you are cold-called, you won’t leave a bad first, second, or third impression in the minds of your facilitators.
  6. Read Wide: For everybody (especially the avid readers), you need to read way more than the materials you’ll be given. Yes, they’ll be enough to get you through the program but after then; what next? (Note: This is NOT an advert strategy to get people to join my book club, ASWEAR!!!!). Read wide, Read Long! Just don’t pick up that book if you haven’t read your cases AND your notes!
  7. Be friends with people like Nerome, JMJ, Roy and Samuel: Can’t Explain why, you’ll find out. Lol.
  8. Make Friends: Please, Please, and Please! This one is equally as important as the first. Look for people that share your goals, business partners (Oh! Ye Entrepreneurs), and potential “family members”. Just KEEP Calm and Enjoy Your MBA!

See you all in October (Can’t wait!)
Ms. Parker B-)


  1. Brillant submission!!!!!

  2. i had no idea you have a book club
